Wednesday, February 3, 2016

your tag

I found a hat the other day

Not one that was stiff and ordinary with conformity
But one that rejected symmetry with the remnants of wear
One saturated  with the stench of uniqueness
With scuffs and stains and picked loose threads
Much like the scuffs and stains and picked loose threads of mine

But similarities only accentuate the differences

And so the decayed hat intrigued me
The deterioration exuded a history I endeavored to devour

And so I followed the tag to you

And that hat I found the other day
The hat that was just a fraction of your closet
Became a fraction of all I love about you


  1. "But similarities only accentuate the differences"

    what a cool way to think!

  2. oh my heck the word choice!

    and the rhythm!

    and the way some things almost rhyme but don't!

    1. Same thing stood out to me too, such a great post
