Sunday, February 21, 2016

not a wall

i am a brick waiting to be cemented into a wall

a wall that on its own is a wall 
but with perspective is a canvas 

a wall sprayed with paint and powdered with chalk
with the purpose to not look like a wall

with copied and pasted words speaking sounds 
that vibrate through the bricks to be heard 

bricks that on its own is just a brick
but with perspective is the easel of the canvas

the canvas awaiting the brush of colors, sounds, and words
to stand out amongst the walls of walls

of bricks

i am one brick
that wants just a stroke
a letter
a line
to become apart of the whole that makes that wall
                              not a wall


  1. ah man! i would quote my favorite part, but i'd pretty much just repeat the whole poem... so good!
